I have published extensively in the fields of health services research, translational & nanomedicine, and health design.
Publications by Field
Health Design
Health design is a new area of research interest for me, and a relatively new field of study that uses a variety of techniques to solve clinically relevant problems. In contrast to most research, health design is focused on creating solutions rather than generating knowledge.
Nanomedicine & Translational Medicine
My nanomedicine & translational medicine research began in 2019 and comprises the work of my PhD disseration. Here I completed work in cancer nanomedicine and phototherapy, including significant discoveries related to the porphysome nanoparticle.
Health Services Research
I have been conducting health services research since 2015, and have evolved from having minor roles in data collection, to directing the conduct of projects. Most of my health services research is in the area of colorectal cancer and colorectal surgery.